
Perfect Delivery for Morgan Sindall at Summerdown School

Prima Systems are proud to have received Morgan Sindall's “perfect delivery” certificate for our work at Summerdown School in Eastbourne.

Morgan Sindall achieved "perfect delivery" status on the entire build, which of course requires excellent performance by subcontractors such as ourselves. The philosophy of Perfect Delivery identifies five tangible measures which they call their Customer Commitments. The commitments identify five clear goals: to deliver Safe, On Time, Quality and ultimately to have a Delighted Customer that would Recommend Morgan Sindall, based on the overall customer experience. For a project to achieve Perfect Delivery, all five of the above commitments must be achieved and signed off by the customer.

Congratulations to the site team at Morgan Sindall for their achievements on this project!

To read more about Morgan Sindall's philosophy of Perfect Delivery', click here