Our team are now nearing completion of works at Eliot College on the University of Kent's campus in Canterbury.
Working alongside DCB (Kent) Ltd, we first replaced the existing old defective metal sliding windows with new highly insulated thermally broken windows and doors. Once the window installation was complete, our teams moved on to undertake the overcladding of the whole building using Marley Equitone Tectiva panels structurally bonded with SikaTack to Nvelope NV2 secret fix cladding rails and helping hand brackets.
As part of the overcladding works, the whole building was also wrapped in Kingspan K15 70mm insulation to improve its thermal efficiency.
Over 470m2 of rainscreen has been used to overclad the entire building giving an appearance that now closely matches the recently constructed adjacent Woodiger building.
The Eliot College refurbishment project is benefiting for our newly launched 'Integrated Facade Solution'. By contracting us to design, supply and install both the glazing and cladding elements on the building we have taken full responsibility for the entire external facade. This is aimed at reducing the likelihood of miscommunication between the various trades usually involved on a building's facade which can severely delay a project's progress. By the end of the project we are confident that we will have saved our client time, money and resources.