
PROJECT UPDATE: Woodlands School, Basildon - Roseville Projects

Woodlands School has now successfully been handed back to the School last week.

Roseville Projects have personally emailed Prima Systems to thank us for all the hard work, effort and overall quality of our design, management & installation, which we can all appreciate was challenging at times.

Roseville has told us that the overall finished product and the time frame when this project commenced building back in Mid-July 2015 was handed back to Skanska/Client on the 10th November (some 17 weeks later), which is remarkable considering the timescale all the trade contractors had to meet, the end product is a credit to us ALL and they look forward to working with us again on future projects.

The Head Teacher of Woodlands School also sent a personal letter thanking all that worked on this project, and said that the work had been completed with an incredibly high level of professionalism and quality, He said having visited the building on 2 or 3 occasions over the last couple of days, I am very impressed with the quality of the finish and the space that our pupils will have to be able to enjoy their learning.

The new facility will allow our pupils to access and excellent curriculum, in our state of the art building that will help raise pupil's aspirations and pupil outcomes. The BFL Centre means that we can work with the most vulnerable pupils, ensuring they have their pastoral needs met and are ready to learn.